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Skumatics goDash is the data mining tool that---among other things---optimizes par levels and provides rapid access to all different prices being paid within the entire system for identical SKUs regardless of the source of the product. It also sorts products by UNSPSC to promote consolidation of utilization within a category. Your data is presented in our proprietary dashboard that includes savings opportunities through inventory reduction and spend management.

Product Features


Content Analytics for purchasing managers

  • Duplicate Items
  • Duplicate Vendors
  • New Item Alert
  • Non-file Items
  • UNSPSC Classification

Spend Analytics for contract managers

  • Contract Variance
  • Off-contract purchases
  • Price Normalization
    • by vendor
    • by location
  • Top 10 Areas of Spend
  • Top 10 Areas of Cost Increases

Stock Analytics for inventory managers

  • Par Optimization
  • Slow-moving items
  • Potential Obsolete
  • Potential Consignment
  • Potential Overstock

Technical Specification

In the hosted setting, goDash requires only a web-browser (Internet Explorer 11.0 or greater). Behind the firewall minimum hardware and software requirements are as follows:

  • Windows Server: MS Windows Server
  • Interface Engine:  Open Source ZKOSS framework
  • Database:  SQL Server Express
  • User Interface:  Java Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence and reporting tools)
  • Web Server: Open source Apache Tomcat using IBM Websphere or SunOne